Jack Devnarain

Role at the 2024 DFM Event:



Jack started his acting career in Durban, South Africa performing on the community theatre circuit while studying Law at the University of Kwa Zulu-Natal. After qualifying with an under-graduate degree in 1993, he joined the Durban Metropolitan Police Service (DMPS) and served for nine years, performing in film, TV and stage productions in the course of his work in law enforcement.

He obtained a Certificate in Development Management from the University of Kwa Zulu-Natal in 1996 and was a champion for black economic empowerment in the Emergency Services.

In 2002, he left the public service to work as a professional actor. He has since performed in numerous TV and film productions that have earned him prestigious national awards and recognition on the African continent.

As Chairman of the South African Guild of Actors (SAGA), Jack is a leading voice for regulation of the Cultural and Creative Industries and continues to lobby for the recognition of creative workers’ rights. As a civic leader Jack serves as a patron of the ‘Anti-Racism Network of South Africa’ (ARNSA), an ambassador for ‘Nelson Mandela International Day’, and for the ‘Trauma First Responders Chaplaincy’.


South African Guild of Actors

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