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Movies that Matter

Company Designation

Short Company Profile

Our mission is to broaden views on human rights. We use film to stir the debate on human rights, sustainability and the fight against injustice. We believe that film has the unprecedented capacity to raise awareness and provide new insight. What cannot be accomplished by spoken and written language, is sometimes achieved by motion picture. We create impact by asking questions and providing context and insight. We screen films in combination with a vast expansion programme, in the form of discussions, introductions, Q&A sessions, workshops and teaching aids. Our core tasks are to show films about human rights and to stimulate screenings of films about human rights. We accomplish these core tasks through the organisation of the annual Movies that Matter Festival, educational activities, organising events, advisory work and and supporting human rights film festivals worldwide. We also coordínate the Human Rights Film Network. We do not support film production.

Industry Designation

Festival & market

Area of Interest

Short film

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