Currencies as Totem of (In)dependence – Review by Seyi Lasisi

Money, Freedom: A Story of the CFA Franc Review My encounter with the Katy Léna N’diaye-directed feature-length documentary, Money, Freedom: A Story of the CFA Franc triggered a stroll down memory lane. What was my first encounter with money? What moment did the importance of some decorated piece of paper or coin impress itself on […]

NOUS, ETUDIANTS – Critique par Gbenato Carolle

La Centrafrique vue et vécue par des jeunes étudiants Rafiki Fariala Le film documentaire « Nous, étudiants » du jeune cinéaste centrafricain, Rafiki Fariala, donne la parole à la jeunesse de la Centrafrique. Les sujets abordés par le film touchent personnellement le réalisateur qui a joué plusieurs rôles sur le tournage. Ce film est le premier long-métrage […]

We, Students! – Review by Tonderai Chiyindiko

Higher Education Rafiki Fariala’s We, Students! is a poignant account of how Africa’s youth remain at the mercy of institutions and figures of authorities even as they struggle to define themselves on their own terms. The documentary follows a group of university-mates who become friends whilst pursuing their studies at Bangui University in the Central […]

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