The Injustices of Soweto Mapantsula, co-written by Oliver Schmitz and Thomas Mogotlane, is a 104-minute long dramatic film that criticizes the policy of institutionalized racism in South Africa. 35 years after its release in 1988, the film is being restored in 4K, making it have its world premiere at the Berlin Film Festival this year. […]


And if apartheid had never existed? A woman undresses in front of the statue of Nelson Mandela. It is with these archival images that the director, screenwriter, and narrator, Milisuthando Bongela, draws our attention as an introduction to her historical and eponymous documentary film, which will last a total of 115 minutes. We are in […]


A Dance with the Devil It’s night, and in the distance, a dog’s barking sounds like an alarm. Then, the noise gives way to the crackling of a blazing fire that accompanies a child’s narration. This is neither a fantastic tale nor a fairy tale. It tells the circumstances of his father’s death—a suicide bomber […]

Terra Mater – Review by Seyi Lasisi

The Earth is Ours. In an age where hygiene- personal and global- is a flimsy afterthought, who do we hold responsible for taking care of mother earth? Who is assigned this responsibility? How do we recognize nature’s deafening cries of protest when we pay only passive attention to the well-being of the earth? These are […]

What the Soil Remembers – Review by Seyi Lasisi

Past and Present The past and the present are always in communion. Transient as it is, the past is a conduit into the gradually-forgotten history of people and the places they inhabit. A historical act of injustice committed against the people of Die Vlakte in South Africa provides material for José Cardoso’s incisive 29-minute documentary, […]

City of Ashes – Review by Seyi Lasisi

Paean to a pandemic – The year is 2035 In this Sheetal Magan directed short, the future is dystopian. Reflective of present reality, there is a prevalent health crisis, albeit one that has immense political and economic repercussions. Humanity has been divided into regimented social classes. Old habits die hard apparently. An epidemic is vigorously […]

Mirror Mirror – Review by Tonderai Chiyindiko

Witty take on female pleasure Mirror Mirror directed by fresh faced Sandulela Asanda is a refreshing take on female sexuality and pleasure told from the perspective of two friends navigating the complexities and contradictions of their entry into adulthood.  This short film stars newcomers Luhle Macanda as Luthando and Buhle Ngaba as Jodie, chronicling their […]

LE SPECTRE DE BOKO HARAM – Critique par Gaël Hounkpatin

Une danse avec le Diable C’est la nuit, au loin, les aboiements d’un chien sonnent comme une alerte. Puis, le bruit laisse la place au crépitement d’un feu flamboyant qui rythme le récit d’un enfant. Ce n’est ni un conte fantastique, facétieux, encore moins un conte de fée. Il raconte les circonstances de la mort […]

1001 Days – Critique par Gaël Hounkpatin

Les anges d’Alexandra C’est sur une déclaration d’amour du poète sud-africain Morgane Wally Serote à Alexandra sur un plan digne d’une carte postale du Township de la banlieue de Johannesburg, que s’ouvre ce documentaire intitulé 1001 Days des réalisatrices Kethiwe Ngcobo et Chloe White. Le film aborde la thématique mère-enfant dans le township d’Alexandra. En […]

L’argent, la liberté, une histoire du Franc CFA – Critique par Gbenato Carolle

Il était une fois, la France-Afrique « L’argent, la liberté, une histoire du Franc CFA », le film documentaire de Katy Léna N’diaye qui dure 1h44 minutes, aborde de manière originale l’histoire de la monnaie qui est utilisée en Afrique de l’Ouest et en Afrique Centrale dans les pays francophones pour la plupart et aux Comores et […]

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