Sara Chitambo is a director/producer based in Johannesburg, South Africa. She’s the spokesperson for creative advocacy body Sisters Working in Film and Television SWIFT. She holds a masters degree in Digital Documentary Production from Sussex University. Sara made her first short film as part of the National Film and Video Foundation Women Filmmakers project in 2018. Her 2010 film Climate Theatre which she filmed and edited with Max Thabiso Edkins and Astrid Westerlind Wigstrom scooped awards at the Climate Change Summit in Cancun, Mexico in November 2010 and the Royal Commonwealth Society UK Vision Awards in the same year. 2015 she was producer and director on Reflecting Her a documentary on reproductive health and rights which has been screened in India, Nepal, Kenya and the United States. As a director, Sara Chitambo is passionate about telling authentic, emotionally compelling stories and serious about continually mastering her craft as a filmmaker. 






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